Wednesday, April 30, 2008


so, everyone, get excited. i will be getting internet in.....

the next 13 days. i repeat. 13. this is the kind of lovely timetable that chile offers you for pretty much everything. deliveries, internet, mail, etc. everything takes about two weeks. which is fine. i'm just glad i now have it! this is all thanks to my friend Claudia who plays second oboe. she allowed me to use her RUT number, which is their chilean id number, kind of the equivalent to our SS#s. regardless, you can't do anything in chile without a RUT, not even buy something online from a department store with a credit card. because first you have to make an account, with your RUT.

i've been thinking that the chileans would want to take advantage of all the foreigners here, but they seem content to just make it really frustrating instead.

thankfully, i should be getting my work visa and therefore my id, and therefore my RUT in less than 6 months. :-) in the meantime, however, claudia was generous enough to let me use hers.

so, you will most likely be hearing from me with more frequency in the next 13 days, when i'm wired. cheers.

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